flexrsurv 2.0.18 (2024-02-09)
- confidence levels are computed in predict()
- bug fixes (getPseudoHazardFromTable)
flexrsurv 2.0.17 (2023-06-02)
- the package is now encoded in UTF-8
flexrsurv 2.0.16 (2023-04-04)
- new method extractAIC.flexrsurv
- bug correction in getPsuedoHazardFromTable and getBrassPseudoHazardFromTable
- corrections needed for R 4.3
flexrsurv 2.0.15
- code review and optimization for spline basis used in life table correction model
- new spline basis for life table correction model : linear-tailed B-spline basis
flexrsurv 2.0.14
- exact constraint for restricted spline with degree less than 3
- use of nloptr in case of table correction model
flexrsurv 2.0.13 (2022-11-25)
- flexrsurvclt now use the parameter lower and upper in case of no table correction model
flexrsurv 2.0.12
- minor corrections, the method predictSpline is now exported
flexrsurv 2.0.11 (2022-08-24)
- minor corrections, test for availability of suggested packages in examples
flexrsurv 2.0.10
- bug correction for restricted spline with degree less than 3
flexrsurv 2.0.9
- method to extract life table correction model from a flexrsurvclt fit
- method to compute the values of a spline function
flexrsurv 2.0.8 (2022-06-13)
- corrections needed for R 4.3
flexrsurv 2.0.7
flexrsurv 2.0.6
- corrections in warning messages
- add n, nobs, nevent to returned objects
flexrsurv 2.0.5
- update S3 class flexrsurv.mle
flexrsurv 2.0.4
- new contraints for the parameters of the correction model
- new S3 method vcov.flexrsurv
flexrsurv 2.0.3
flexrsurv 2.0.1
- period-model for correcting the population life table
flexrsurv 2.0.0
- model for correcting the population life table
- weighted cumulative exposure effect
- function to retrieve hazard and cumulative hazard in a table
flexrsurv 1.4.5 (2020-02-19)
- minor corrections in help pages
flexrsurv 1.4.4 (2019-12-19)
- code optimisation
- S3 methods logLik() et nobs()
- code corrections to make the test pass when _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_ is set to true
flexrsurv 1.4.3
- rename several C functions
flexrsurv 1.4.2
- implementation of Gauss Legendre quadrature
- bug corrections in predict.flexrsurv() in case of NPHNLL effect
flexrsurv 1.4.1 (2017-05-18)
- registration of native routines
flexrsurv 1.3.7
- New predict() S3 method for fexrsurv objects produced by flexrsurv() see help(predict.flexrsurv)
- Change in the default values of the boundary knots of the time (Boundary.knots.t) in NPH and NPHNLL terms. The default is now the boundary knots of the baseline hazard.
- Fix issue when the variance matrix cannot be computed
- New dependecy: in Depends and package:ggplot2 in suggested
flexrsurv 1.3.3 (2016-04-26)
- First version released on CRAN